Web Hosting

Web Hosting-SalyaniLive

Domain Name

Domain name is Unique name for your website. It cannot be the same for multiple sites. Domain name helps to find out the server on the internet and access data from it. Server/Computer have a unique IP address which is a series of numbers which is difficult to remember so we use domain names corresponding to this IP address.

So to host your website on the internet you need to register domain name first. And you need to Configure DNS record such that it points to the web server where your source code is stored.

Web Servers

Second step for web hosting is you need a server where the source code of your website is uploaded. To make a website available online, we should upload its source files on a server which can be purchased from hosting providers.

Web server Types

Shared Hosting
Shared hosting is the most popular hosting option. If you just started building a website and want a server to host it, also this is cheapest among other hosting servers. It is a better option for web site owners with a small budget. Shared hosting is a traditional method of hosting where multiple websites share resources from the physical server.

Dedicated Hosting
Dedicated Hosting is an internet hosting option where a single server is allocated for a single business customer. Here clients lease all of the resources of the server. It is ideal for large organizations and higher traffic in their website.

In this hosting, clients get full control over the server and they are responsible for managing all resources as their needs. Dedicated hosting comes with an expensive price, also price is dependent on server storage size, bandwidth, Ram and other things.

Cloud Hosting
A cloud hosting website is hosted on multiple servers instead of one server.


Scalable: If you need suddenly greater resources for your site you can easily scale it up with a cloud server, you aren’t limited to the physical constraints of a single server. So you can easily add resources to your site as needed.

Reliable: Cloud services are extremely reliable. Here multiple servers are connected with the network and data is drawn from multiple different servers, So if one server is down then other will immediately fulfill the gap. So your site will always be online. Example: Amazon web services(AWS), Google Cloud etc.

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