Software Test Cases

Software Test Cases

What is a Test Case?

Lets know what is test before knowing test cases. When we make any software, we want to test it. We want to ensure that all the functionality is working correctly before the users use the application. So, that is testing. So, The team of testers makes cases for testing. Thus, Test case is a set of conditions which needs to be executed by a software tester to validate any functionality of an application or system under test. 

Test case is a set of step by step instructions to validate each functionality is working as per the expectation of the end users and as per the business requirement of the client. 

Example of Test Cases

Sample of Test Case: Download Here
Following are the fields which should be included in test cases:

  • Test Case ID – The unique ID that helps to identify particular test cases.
  • Test Scenario – This involves description of what to be tested.   
  • Test Steps – It includes a step by step instruction to test any functionality.
  • Test Data –  It is the data that is required in executing the test cases properly.
  • Expected Result – This shows what the result should be.
  • Actual Result – This shows what result we got after testing.
  • Status (Pass/Fail) – It means the status of a test case. 

Test Case can be created in Word, Excel or any other Test management tool.

Benefits of Writing Test Cases

1) They are reusable for the future-anyone can reference them and execute the test.
Suppose if we write a test case for our project many years ago. New members come in the team. We need to test the functionality again as per the requirement of the client. So if we have the written document of test case then we can handover that test case to new members. He/she can easily execute the test case by going through the test case document and record the result of the test case.

2) Improved quality of software and user experience.
Suppose if you launch an application without testing. When user uses an application, it crashes. That may result in a bad user experience. The test case ensures that all the functionality of software is working properly and smoothly. So it improves the quality of software and user experience.

3) Business optimization
Through test cases, quality products are released. So clients will become happy which helps to boost the company reputation.

Best Practice for writing good Test Case

Test Cases makes the testing process very effective and efficient. Following steps are the best practices for writing good Test Case:

1) Test Cases should be simple and easy to understand
Always write the test cases that are simple. Test Cases should be clear, transparent and easy to understand because there may be different teams to execute the test cases. To write test cases, use assertive language like go to login page, enter the credentials, Click on Login Button and so on.

2) Test Cases should be made including End User in Mind
While making test cases, always think like an end user. It is because the goal of any project is to meet the customer requirements. It is the end user who uses our products so we should create test cases keeping in mind about their perspective.

3) Do not assume while preparing Test Cases
While preparing test cases, we should not assume any functionality and features of a Software application. It is because wrong assumptions may lead to output that is not expected. We should always stick to the specific documents.

4) Test Cases should cover every aspects of software
Test Cases should cover each and every aspect of software. Any functionality or features of software should not be left. Besides functionality and features, we should cover other aspects of software like performance, robustness, scalability, usability and many others.

5) Assign Testing Priority
While making Test cases, testing priority to each test case based on the features or component. So what happens?? The test cases with higher priority will be executed at first. If any bug appears and test cases got failed, then it will be addressed at first.


Test Cases play an important role in software application development. A well written test case makes the testing process effective and also saves time in the long run.

For more details, visit Here.