Salyani uses its own Open Source CMS B&W

Open Source CMS B&W

There are lots of CMS in the internet world but Salyani uses its own initicated cms call B&W. For the web development Salyani uses B&W for the conent management. B&W is completly initiated maintained by Salyani and now we have decited to not only use by and is of Salyani. We like to make this property Open Source. Anyone can use this CMS for their personal use as well as business purpose. Also it is open and welcome to make contribution on this CMS to bring this into next step.

Salyani has dream to make this CMS a complete CMS for buiding website and application. Currently B&W has key feature to start and maintain the blow and website for individual or organziation. News and Events section B&W help user to update there news and event in the website. To make blow in the diffenret category we can use the Posts section. And most essential feature pages section allows us to manage content over the website.

Like other CMS it has common feature but some feature like Widget, news/events, album, slider, contact form, subscriber function stand this CMS unique and usefull for startup and professional. In the case of security major we have used latest technology to make this CMS stong enough to fight for spam and suspeciour activities. Anyone can have test and use it and furhter more can be part of development team to bring into next step.