Programming Language

Programming Language-SalyaniLive

Programming Language is used to make a Program to communicate with computers and make tasks done as we want. We use high level languages like c, c++, python etc to make different programs. Different Programming Languages are used to make different programs. Like to develop a game you can learn C, C ++, for web development PHP, Javascript, Python etc. 

Programming/Scripting/Markup Languages:

Scripting languages are Language which is translated into machine language with help of interpreters e.g. PHP(server side scripting language), Javascript(client side scripting language), Python etc.

For any program run in a computer it must be converted into machine language, For conversion of High level language to machine level, compiler or interpreter are used. For programming language compiler is used and for scripting language interpreter is used. All the scripting languages are Programming languages but not all programming languages are scripting languages.

For example if program is written in c this required compiler(eg dev c++, turbo c++) which translate whole program at a time into machine language, but in case of scripting language it uses an interpreter, it translates a program one statement at a time.

Markup Language:
Tag based languages which are used to UI design and describe the structure of UI, eg: HTML, XML.

Top 5 Popular Programming Language:

Base on stack overflow 2019 survey

  • Javascript: Scripting language to make user interactive pages.
  • Python: Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Data Science
  • Java: Desktop app, Mobile App, Embedded system
  • C#: Windows application,  Mobile application, Web application
  • PHP: is a server side scripting language, used in web applications for backend development.

Web development

Front End
Learn the basic(HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT):
To become a frontend end developer you will start with basic HTML, CSS, Javascript. Front end developers are responsible to make the website more user interactive. They define the structure of the web page which is accessed by end users.

Get deeper(frameworks):
After Learning Basic of HTML, CSS, Javascript, you can start to use frameworks of them.

Following are the some popular frameworks
Framework of CSS:  w3.css, Bootstrap
Framework of Javascript: Vue, React, Angular 

Back End
Back end also called “Server-side” programming, which happens on the server and the database. Backend developers handle the data and system requested by the frontend application.

Following are the list of some popular programming languages used for backend.
Node Js

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