


Linux is an open source operating system which was released on 1991 Linus Torvalds. Linux is created for personal computers but it was gradually used in servers, supercomputers, mainframe computers and different embedded systems like routers, televisions, digital video recorders etc.

Advantages of Linux

  •  Open Source:
    Linux is an Open source and free operating system, Linux is easily and freely available for everyone and anyone can contribute to it.
  •  Various Distribution: 
    Linux is an open source operating system so anyone can contribute to it to make their own linux distribution as their requirements. There are more than 600 linux distributions available, so you can download and use any variant as your requirements. Some Popular linux distributions are:
    1. MX Linux
    2. Manjaro
    3. Linux Mint
    4. Ubuntu
    5. Debian
  • Security : 
    Linux is more secure than other operating systems, so it doesn’t need any specific antivirus as other operating systems, but it doesn’t mean Linux is 100% secure.

  • Light weight, and consume less resource of system

  • Performance:
    Linux is easy to install and run smoothly even in old computers. It rarely slows down or freezes.
  • Community Support:
    Linux has large community support.


  • Software Alternatives:
    Because linux is not dominating operating system in the market as Windows, there is some disadvantage to it. We cannot install and use some popular software such as photoshop, microsoft office packages etc.
  • Learning curve:
    It may be difficult to learn linux at the beginning as it is not as user-friendly as Windows.

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