Security measures on WordPress Website

WordPress Security-Webinar


Date of Webinar: July 4, 2020

Time: 11:00 a.m to 11.45 a.m

Webinar Length: 45 minutes. For the first 30 minutes, there is a session and Q/A round for the next 15 minutes

Title of the Webinar: Learn WordPress Security

Description: In the webinar, we will discuss the topic of WordPress Security. We will share knowledge regarding some basic steps that should be considered to keep the site safe.

Takeaways: Audience will have the basic knowledge about WordPress security.

Target Audience: The target audience are those who want to learn and have basic knowledge regarding WordPress Security. Those who are eager to learn this topic can join with us.


The registration form is open till June 3, 12.00 A.M. So hurry up. We have very limited number of seats available. To participate in the webinar, fill the registration form. Only registered participant get chance to participate in the webinar. We send the confirmation mail to all the registered participants. The details regarding the way to participate in the webinar will be send in the confirmation mail.

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