How to make WordPress Static Site?

WordPress Static Site-SalyaniLive

What is Static Site?

Static sites are the most basic type of website and are the easiest to create. A static website contains Web pages with fixed content. A static website is usually created with HTML and CSS in simple text editors like Notepad. Static websites do not require any Web programming or database design.

Since static Web pages contain fixed code, the content of each page does not change unless it is manually updated by the developer. This works well for small websites, but it can make large sites with hundreds or thousands of pages difficult to maintain. If you need a website smaller than three pages, going for a static website is the proper choice. Building it doesn’t take as much time or effort as in the case of dynamic websites. If you are not going to require regular updates on your website then static websites are for you.

Advantages of Static Website

Better Security
SQL injection is one of the biggest security vulnerabilities out there. Static sites don’t have this vulnerability because there is no exposed database to hack. There is also no PHP code running. You also don’t run the risk of getting hacked due to using outdated or infected themes or free plugins.

Faster speed
Your WordPress theme might make dozens or even over a hundred database calls to render your site. All of that activity takes time and results in slower load time. Since you are just hosting and serving static files, when a user visits your page, the web server has to return a file. No server-side code is executed. So Static Site loads faster than Dynamic site.

Easy Indexing
Search Engines like Google, Bing etc can easily index a static website as they are just a series of coded HTML or CSS Files.

Improved Site Reliability
When working with WordPress we may encounter errors such as “Unable to connect to database” error. This error occurs when your database server goes down. When this happens, our WordPress site goes down. Static HTML sites don’t have this source of unreliability. I’ve noticed that more than half of the time when my WordPress-based sites are down, my pure HTML sites still work! Reliability of static sites is more than twice that of the dynamic WordPress site.

Time saving
Static sites are quick to develop.

Hosting and Price
Static websites have basic HTML files which require less space making the hosting of these websites cheaper to that of dynamic websites.

How to make static WordPress site??

1) Using a WordPress Plugins
WordPress plugins such as the Simply Static, WP2Static and others have the ability to automatically convert each of the WordPress pages and posts into static HTML files.

2) Use Site Generators
(i) HTTrack to Convert a WP Site to Static HTML.
(ii) Pelican static site generator
(iii) Jekyll static site generator

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